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2023 Litchfield Revaluation Information

Posted on
December 18, 2023
Notices of the revaluation will be going out shortly. Expect to see them in your mailbox early next week. I don't think it comes as a surprise that property values are a little higher than they were in 2018. We are seeing roughly a 46% increase in values and about a 25% increase in commerical properties. That does not mean everyone went up 46% some will be less, some will be more. This in NO WAY means your taxes will go up 46%. There is no way to know what your exact bill will be in July 2024 until the budget is set. Commerical properties, Motor Vehicles and Business Personal Property make up the rest of the grand list. We will see a large drop in the mill rate, so most people will likely see a drop in their motor vehicle taxes and a small increase in their real estate bill. Taxes in the state of CT are done on an ad valorem basis, meaning according to value. The Assessor is tasked with the revaluation of all properties in town every 5 years(state law). Your assessment simply assigns your portion of the towns budget you are responsible for. Think of it as a giant pizza and you get a certain size slice(based on your assessment) I will try to answer as many general questions here if you prefer to ask in this forum. Below is an excerpt from the notice if you have specific questions about your property, it includes information about scheduling a hearing with the contractor who did the revaluation. Property owners wishing to have their new assessments reviewed through an informal telephone hearing with a representative of Vision Government Solutions may do so by scheduling an appointment online at: and follow the instructions. You will need the parcel ID number (PID#) at the top of this letter to book your appointment. If you have more than two parcels to discuss or do not have access to a computer, please call Vision Government Solutions at 1-888-844-4300 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays. Please book your appointment within 5 days of receipt of this letter. All hearings will be conducted via telephone, by appointment only, beginning in December 2023. You may send any written documents supporting your property value by mail to Vision Government Solutions, 1 Cabot Drive, Ste 100, Hudson MA 01749, or email to, or fax to 508-351-3797.