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Social Services

(860) 567-7564
Town Hall Annex
80 Doyle Road
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9-4:30


Mission Statement
To ensure that all persons seeking help from the Town of Litchfield shall be treated with courtesy and dignity, and without prejudice; that every effort shall be made to give them the assistance appropriate for their needs.

The Social Services Department provides support to residents experiencing financial or other hardships. Support is facilitated primarily through case management. The Social Service Coordinator assesses individual or family needs, advises on various options, and helps clients reach a solution, while maintaining their independence, self-sufficiency, and the right to confidentiality.


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Senior Bus Information

Town of Litchfield
Senior Bus 
With handicap accessibility
Shopping, Doctor Appointments, Errands 

All reservations are made by calling the Social Services office at (860)567-7564 
For specific appointments, please give us as much notice as possible so that we can do our best to accommodate as many people as possible.  When making an appointment please try to ask the approximate length of visit for our planning purposes.  We will do our best to accommodate each rider.  Schedule is subject to change due to weather and driver availability.  We will try to be as flexible as possible for special circumstances, call and inquire.
Tuesday Bus Runs                       9am – 1pm 
All Litchfield/Bantam locations
1215 New Litchfield Street: Cardiology group
Peck Road medical office and physical therapy
Charlotte Hungerford doctor offices
Charlotte Hungerford outpatient services
Wednesday Bus Runs             9am – 1pm
            All Litchfield/Bantam locations
            Torrington Shopping destinations
Thursday Bus Runs                 9am – 1pm
            All Litchfield/Bantam locations
            Kennedy Drive:  220 Kennedy Drive Medical Building
            Kennedy Drive Imaging Center
            Smilow Cancer Center
            Litchfield Hill Orthopedics – Commercial Blvd.
            Torrington Endoscopy Center
            East Main Street – The Glass Building
Friday Bus Runs                        9am – 1pm
            Specials trips and appointments~~call if you have an idea for a special trip. We love suggestions
Need help with transportation for Non Emergency Medical trips? Call RITZ
What is RITS?
RITS stands for Rural Independent Transportation Service.
Who is it for?
The RITS program is for non-emergency medical trips for the elderly and disabled, radiation, pulmonary rehabilitation, etc.
Who provided the services?
Depending on what town you live in, either Geer, Northwest CT Transit District, or EdAdvace will provide the service with handicapped accessible minivans.
Where can I go?
The trip needs to begin OR end in one of the Northwest Hills towns.  Rides are available to and from medical facilities outside of the region, such as Yale New Haven or UConn Medical Center.
How much does it cost?
NHCOG funds the program, no fare is charged. Donations accepted.
How do I use it?
Call the designated provider for your town (see attached Map) and arrange for your ride as soon as you schedule your medical appointment. Calls should be made 48 hours in advance. Door to door service is generally available Monday - Friday 9am-6pm.

Call NWCT Transit district at 860-489-2535.

RITS program.pdf

Local Social Services
Adult Day Care

Affordable Housing

Crisis Intervention

Child Care Centers

Energy Assistance

Financial Assistance

Food and Nutrition
 Meals on Wheels/NW Elderly Nutrition

Health Insurance 

Grandparents raising Grandchildren

Home Care Visiting Nurse Services

Homemaking Services

Legal Services 

Mental Health

Senior Housing in Litchfield 

Substance Abuse

Support Groups

Town of Litchfield Senior Bus   860-567-7564

Staff & Contacts

Michael Lyn Cappello
Social Services Coordinator and Municipal Agent for the Elderly
Lauren Wheeler
Assistant Park & Rec & Social Service Coordinator

Staff & Contacts

Michael Lyn Cappello
Social Services Coordinator and Municipal Agent for the Elderly
(860) 567-7564
Lauren Wheeler
Assistant Park & Rec & Social Service Coordinator

Board Members

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