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(860) 567-7559
Town Hall
74 West Street
P.O. Box 488
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 4:30pm


It is the responsibility and goal of the Assessor’s Office to ensure that all taxable property located within the Town of Litchfield is assessed according to Connecticut State Statutes so that every property owner shares their appropriate share of the total property tax burden.

The Assessor is appointed by the Board of Selectmen in June for a 4-year term.


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What is the procedure for filing an appeal with the Board of Assessment Appeals?
The deadline for filing an appeal application is March 20th.  Forms may be obtained from the Assessor’s Office.

Remember, you are appealing your assessment, not your taxes.

Please be sure to explain or give reasons for your appeal. The Board will respond to your specific concerns and comparisons.

Hearings will take place April 1st, 2nd, and 5th.  You will be notified, in writing, by the end of March, as to the date and time of your hearing.

Hearings are also held in September, for motor vehicles only.

If your appeal is denied, you will receive notice indicating such denial. Any person, claiming to be aggrieved by the action of the Board of Assessment Appeals, may, within two months from the date of the mailing of the decision, appeal to the Superior Court.

If your appeal is approved, you will receive notice indicating such approval with the amount of the assessment reduction. Your assessment reduction, if for real estate, is permanent, until the next revaluation, unless the property is improved. There is no need to reapply each year. If your motor vehicle assessment was reduced, you may have to notify the Assessor’s Office each year of the current condition of the vehicle on or about October 1.
What are the Available State & Local Programs?
State Programs
  • Elderly/Totally Disabled Homeowners Tax Benefit
  • Elderly/Totally Disabled Renters Rebate
  • Totally Disabled  Exemption
  • Additional Veterans Exemption
  • Active Duty Serviceman Exemption
  • Farm, Forest, and Open Space Filings

Local Programs
  • Handicapped Equipped Vehicle Exemption
  • Additional Veterans Exemption
When was the last revaluation?
The last revaluation for the Town of Litchfield was October 1, 2023.
When is the next revaluation?
The next scheduled revaluation for the Town of Litchfield is October 1, 2028.
What does the assessor not do?
The Assessor does not raise and lower taxes. The Assessor does not make the laws that affect property owners. When taxpayers vote for additional services and projects, an individual’s property tax bill may increase. Click here for Connecticut Law.
Does Litchfield cover Bantam and Northfield?
Yes. Bantam and Northfield are part of Litchfield.
Does the Town of Litchfield cover the whole County of Litchfield?
No. The Town of Litchfield only covers the Town of Litchfield. The State of Connecticut does have counties, however, taxation is done by municipalities. Please call the appropriate municipality to get your information.
Is a plate receipt from Department of Motor Vehicles considered valid proof for a motor vehicle credit?
No. We require a plate receipt and another form of proof. Please see Motor Vehicle section to see what qualifies as acceptable proof.
What does the assessor do?
The Assessor is required by Connecticut Law to list and value all real and personal property. Valuation is subject to ad valorem taxation on an assessment grand list each year. The “ad valorem” basis for taxation means that all property should be taxed “according to value”. Motor Vehicles are assessed each year, using the October issue of a nationally accepted pricing manual, at 70 percent of the clean retail value.
What do I do if I disagree with the Assessment value?
If you feel there is a discrepancy with your assessment, by all means, come to the Assessor’s Office and discuss the matter. A “street card” is available for every property in the Town of Litchfield. We will gladly print a copy of your card and answer any questions you may have. Ask yourself three questions:
  1. Is my data correct?
  2. Is my value in line with others on the street?
  3. Is my value in line with sale prices in my neighborhood based on the last revaluation?
If after discussing the matter with the Assessor’s Office, and researching the assessments of comparable properties within your area, a difference of opinion still exists, you may appeal your assessment to the Board of Assessment Appeals by filing an appeal application.
How can I get a copy of the survey or plot plan for my property?
The Assessor’s Office does not have survey plans or plot plans. Survey maps may be available in the Town Clerk’s Office. Plot plans may be available at Torrington Area Health located at 350 Main Street, Torrington, CT.
Important Program & Filing Deadlines
February 1 - Elderly/Totally Disabled Homeowners Program begins

April 1- Elderly/Totally Disabled Renters Program begins

May 15 - Elderly/Totally Disabled Homeowners Program ends

September 30 - Honorable Discharge filing deadline

October 1 - Deadline for:
  • Totally Disabled Application
  • Blind Application
  • Forest Land Application - with State Forestry Report
  • Additional Veterans Application
  • Elderly/Totally Disabled Renters Program ends

October 31 - Farm and Open Space Filing Deadline

November 1 - Deadline for:
  • Personal Property Filing Deadline
  • Quadrennial Report
Who are the Top Ten Taxpayers?
Below is the list of the top ten taxpayers based on the October 1, 2023 Grand List.  This is a combination of Assessments on Real Estate, Personal Property, and Motor Vehicle tax bills for the taxpayers listed below... 

CITY OF WATERBURY                              $8,828,330
CRP/BWN LITCHFIELD LLC                    $8,392,850
FEDERAL SQUARE REALTY LLC             $4,979,870
CPI LITCHFIELD | LLC ET AL                  $3,871,460
ARETHUSA FARM LLC                            $3,278,300
STILLMAN HOUSE LLC                           $2,992,130
SCHAFFEL BARBARA & LEWIS              $2,815,090
Are the Town of Litchfield Real Estate records on-line?
The Real Estate records are now on-line; click here.

You may still get a copy of a field card from the office at the cost of $1. If you would like us to send a field card to you, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope and $1 for each card requested. If this is for your own field card, there is no fee. We do not fax copies of these cards. This process is the same for a copy of the property map.

Staff & Contacts

Chris Kelsey, CCMA II
Haley Whipple
Administrative Assistant

Staff & Contacts

Chris Kelsey, CCMA II
Haley Whipple
Administrative Assistant

Board Members

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