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Sewer Department

(860) 567-7580
29 Stoddard Road
P.O. Box 343
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 7:00am to 3:30pm


Email Address:

If you need to change your address or have questions about your assessment or bill,  please email the WPCA at the address above.  Include your name, property address, where to send the response, and account number if available.   

For payoff/ closing requests, please put "Urgent" in the subject line of your email.

Other Contact Numbers:
  • WPCA Tax Collector: (860) 567-7582, 
  • Emergency: (860) 459-6169, or (860) 201-3336


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Billing Questions
- The usage invoices are prepared and mailed to all of customers annually. Usage charges
are due in full by September 1st, and without penalty by September 30th of each year. Interest
is charged at a rate of 1.5% per month (18% per year) for any payment not made by a
postmark date of September 30th.
*Please note that bills for FY25 will be mailed Oct. 1st and due by Nov. 30th*

- Late fees, interests, and returned check fees are charged as required by Connecticut state
statues. These charges cannot be removed or reduced by the WPCA Commission.

- It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they have received an invoice. If you have
moved, changed your mailing address, sold/transferred the property, or did not receive a bill in the mail you need to contact the Acting WPCA Tax Collector by email at or you can call and leave a message at 860-567-7582.

- The Acting Tax Collector is a part-time position and works as needed. If you require immediate assistance please use the email contact.

- Assessment installment payments are billed annually by the end of the month prior to the due date as specified on the invoice. Past-due payments are charged penalties at an interest rate of 1.5% per month and 18% per year.

- Payments for past due accounts are credited first to penalties and interests and then to the past due amount.

- If you wish to pay the total amount of the assessment on your property(s) please email the Acting WPCA Tax Collector at If this is a closing, please include
the date of the payoff and view our Payoff/Closing Request section below for exact instructions.

- If a lien has been levied against a property(s) all past due usage charges, interests, and any other fees must be paid in full before the lien will be removed. Please email the Acting
WPCA Tax Collector at for the exact payoff amount required and she/he will provide the details to help streamline the process and ensure the lien release(s)
are prepared and filed with the Town Clerk’s office in a timely manner.

- Per Town Ordinance no town building permits will be issued to any customer if there are any outstanding balances or liens on the property for which the permit is required.
Payoff / Closing Requests
-  If you require the payoff amount for past due usage charges, late charges, any other fees, and if applicable any additional assessment payments, on a property in Litchfield,
please email the Acting Tax Collector, at for the most efficient
service. If you call and leave a message the response will take more time.

- Please include the property address, owner’s name, and/or the customer’s account number. If this is a closing include the date of the closing.

- We do understand that some closings may not be scheduled in advance however, to ease the process and to allow us to provide the best customer service, please provide this request
in a timely manner.
Rate Structure
Residential sewer rates are $408 per EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) per year, they are invoiced annually and
mailed by the end of the third week in August. Payment in full is due on September 1 of each year with a
grace period through a postmark date of September 30th.

The last rate increase for the annual residential sewer rate was in 2017. 

Staff & Contacts

Jason Zucco
Assistant Plant Operator
Raz Alexe, P.E.
Public Works Director
(860) 567-7575
Ted Donoghue
Superintendent - Plant Operator Class IV
(860) 567-7580
Joe Carey
Plant Operator Class II
Eric DiLaurenzio
Plant Operator Class I

Staff & Contacts

Jason Zucco
Assistant Plant Operator
Raz Alexe, P.E.
Public Works Director
(860) 567-7575
Ted Donoghue
Superintendent - Plant Operator Class IV
(860) 567-7580
Joe Carey
Plant Operator Class II
Eric DiLaurenzio
Plant Operator Class I

Board Members

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