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Building Department

(860) 567-7567
Town Hall Annex
80 Doyle Road
P.O. Box 12
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm


The Building Department’s objective is to provide outstanding service to the residents of Litchfield and the contractors who work in our town. The Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Connecticut State Building Code and the laws and regulations set forth by the State of Connecticut. It is the Building Official’s responsibility to review all applications and drawings for building and safety code compliance.

The department will issue building permits and all trade related permits, conduct required inspections of all building sites, and buildings for which these permits are issued. This is done to insure code compliance in all construction to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people who live, work and visit the buildings within the Town of Litchfield. Certificates of use and/or occupancy are issued after satisfactory completion of all permitted work.

The Town of Litchfield offers an online permitting system. With our new system you can register and apply for any permit by using the link below. The Department's objective is to provide outstanding service to the residents of Litchfield and the contractors who work in our town. The system will allow you to apply and pay for permits, check status, print permits, check old permits and many other things once you have registered for an account. You should be sure to have all the information and documents required prior to applying for your permit. You can upload and attach any supporting documentation with your application.

For any assistance, you can email our Building Dept Assistant at The Building Dept personnel will be happy to answer any questions you may have to complete your submission.

You may also send an email to the above address regarding inspections or any other questions you may have for the office staff.

Permit Application Link


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How do I use the Online Building Permitting System?
Welcome to The Town of Litchfield online permitting system. With our new system you can register and apply for any permit by using the link below. The Departments objective is to provide outstanding service to the residents of Litchfield and the contractors who work in our town. The system will allow you to apply and pay for permits, check status, print permits, check old permits and many other things once you have registered for an account. You should be sure to have all information and documents required prior to applying for your permit. You will be able to upload and attach any supporting documentation with your application. For any assistance you can email our Building Dept Assistant at They will be happy to answer any questions you may have to complete your submission. You may also send an email to the above address regarding inspections or any other questions you may have for the office staff.
Can the building code be modified?
104.10.1 State Building Code. The State Building Inspector may grant modifications, variations or exemptions from, or approve equivalent or alternative compliance, with the State Building Code where strict compliance with the State Building Code would Tuesday, June 10, 2008ed unwarranted, provided that the intent of the law shall be observed and public welfare and safety be assured. (Link to SBI for modification forms)
Does the Building Department recommend contractors?
No. Because of liability, the Town cannot make recommendations of any type. You are encouraged to “shop around”, ask for references and check with the CT Deptment of Protection website.
What is the history of Connecticut State Building Code?
What are the current Building Codes?

Staff & Contacts

John Worthington
Building Official / ADA Coordinator
Aug 15, 2017
Jun 1, 2025
Peter Russ
Assistant Building Official
Building Dept Assistant
Office Assistant

Staff & Contacts

John Worthington
Building Official / ADA Coordinator
Peter Russ
Assistant Building Official
Building Dept Assistant
Office Assistant

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