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Town Clerk

(860) 567-7561
Town Hall
74 West Street
P.O. Box 488
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 4:30pm


ABSENTEE BALLOTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE REGION 20 SCHOOL REFERENDUM TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 2024.  Downloadable applications through the Secretary of the States office ARE NOT available for this referendum.

The Town Clerk’s Office is open for regular business Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Absentee Ballot Voting: 
Those electors choosing to vote by absentee ballot can:
 Applications must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office either in person at 74 West Street, put into the Official Ballot Drop Box at Town Hall, or mailed to PO Box 488, Litchfield, CT 06759 before a ballot can be issued. 
Completed Ballots must be received by the Town Clerk's office by the close of the polls on election day in order to be counted.  The Official Ballot Drop Box at the rear of the Town Hall will be open and will remain open until 8:00 pm on election day.

Land Records:  Grantor/Grantee indexes for the Town of Litchfield land recordings are searchable on-line via dating back to 05/24/1979. Documents may be viewed free of charge.  Printing fees do apply.   

Recordings: Recordings may be made in person or by mail at PO Box 488, or 74 West Street, Litchfield, CT 06759 for the Town of Litchfield only – NO COUNTY RECORDING IN CT.  If needed, call in advance at 860-567-7561.

We do not have Judicial Records such as divorce decrees in this office. You must contact the Litchfield Superior Court in Torrington, CT at 860-626-2300 to purchase copies of those documents

Dog Licenses:  Dog Licenses must be obtained and renewed during the month of June to avoid late fee penalties

All Other Concerns please email us at or call 860-567-7561.  We will assist you as best as we can.

The office of the Town Clerk is one of the oldest positions in government and the duties and responsibilities are vast and numerous. In this office all records of the town are faithfully recorded, filed, maintained and preserved in accordance with State Statute. This includes all land records; maps and surveys; vital records such as births, deaths, marriages and burial records; military discharges; election results; town ordinances; committee and commission memberships, meeting schedules, notices and minutes; trade name certificates; liquor licenses; and notary appointments, to name a few. Many of our records go back to the 1700 and 1800’s and most records are available to the public during regular business hours.

In addition to being the official records keeper the Town Clerk is the keeper of the Town Seal; administering oaths, witnessing signatures and affixing the town seal to all official town documents. The Town Clerk serves as Registrar of Vital Statistics, an elections officer responsible for the ordering of election supplies, the issuing and accounting of all absentee ballots & the certification of election results; and as an agent of the State of Connecticut. Other duties include, but are not limited to, the collection of real estate conveyance tax, open space penalties; issuing marriage licenses and certified copies of vital records; appointing unaffiliated JP’s; the annual registration of dogs; the sale of sportsmen’s licenses; and the assistance with voter registration. In the Town of Litchfield the Clerk’s office is the official posting place for agendas and legal notices. Pistol permit applications are found here. 

The Town Clerk’s office is a source of information for the public, visitors and residents alike. Inquiries are made, questions are answered, research is conducted, and genealogical puzzles are solved. We welcome every opportunity to serve the public.


Currently, there are no upcoming meetings posted for this entity.
Recently Held
May 8, 2024
DEEP Public Hearing
Recording available
Nov 8, 2022
State Election
Recording available


How do I get a copy of my divorce decree?
We do not have Judicial Records such as divorce decrees in this office, you must contact the Litchfield Superior Court at 860-626-2300 to purchase copies of those documents.
How do I get my passport?
Passports are no longer being issued through the Probate Court.  Contact the US Postal Service for information regarding Passports.

Staff & Contacts

Lisa A. Losee, CCTC
Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics
Jan 3, 2022
Jan 5, 2026
L. Robyn Ryle, CCTC
Assistant Town Clerk & Assistant Registrar of Vital Statistics
Jan 3, 2022
Jan 5, 2026

Staff & Contacts

Lisa A. Losee, CCTC
Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics
L. Robyn Ryle, CCTC
Assistant Town Clerk & Assistant Registrar of Vital Statistics

Board Members

No contacts have been found for this entity.
Alternate Members
No contacts have been found for this entity.

Commission Members

No contacts have been found for this entity.
Alternate Members
No contacts have been found for this entity.


No contacts have been found for this entity.
Alternate Members
No contacts have been found for this entity.

Files & Documents

Looking for older documents?