Starting Today, the Litchfield Town Clerk’s office will be selling these Litchfield Keepsake Ornaments, made by Woodbury Pewter, for $6 each.
We have a limited inventory from years 1989-2010. Collect one from each year (28) for $150. All proceeds go to the Litchfield Park & Rec fund. Please call the Litchfield Town Clerk at (860)567-7561 to buy one or ten today!!
Currently we have:
1989-Litchfield Merry Christmas
1990-Litchfield Courthouse
1991-Litchfield Santa
1992- #tappingreevelawschool
1993- Litchfield Cannon on the Green
1994-Crutch and MacDonalds
1995- Center School
1996 - #whitememorial
1997- #OliverWolcottLibrary
1998- Old Litchfield Firehouse (Union Savings)
1999 - #litchfieldtownhall
2000- #miltonhall
2001 - #northfieldgeneralstore
2002- #eastlitchfieldchapel
2003- #litchfieldhistoricalsociety
2004- #merrittclarkes
2005- #northfieldfiredepartment
2006- #trinityespiscopalchurch
2007- #lourdesinlitchfield
2008- #Firstcongregationalchurch
2009-All Wars Memorial Bantam
2010- #WisdomHouse
2011- #ArethusaFarm
2013- #murphyspharmacy
2014- #VillageRestaurant
2015- #litchfieldhillsnursery
2016- #litchfieldbancorp
2017- #litchfieldpublicschool
2019- #300thAnniversary