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Litchfield Public Works Department Road Construction Projects Updates

Posted on
August 2, 2021
Public Works
Litchfield Public Works Department is announcing the start of the following road construction projects: 

  • Old Smith Road - complete drainage and paving to start week of August 2nd, end by or before Thanksgiving 2021; 
  • South Lake Street -  complete drainage and paving to start week of August 23rd, end by or before Thanksgiving 2021;
  • Fern Ave - drainage, full depth reconstruction and paving between Rte 118 and East Litchfield Road and mill and overlay from East Litchfield Road to STA 3150 (approximately halfway between Rte 118 and Rte 202) to start shortly after Labor Day, targeted end by or before Thanksgiving 2021. This is a Federal/State/Town funded project with very strict rules as well as reporting specifications.

  • Additional paving is planned to start by the end of August, beginning of September this year on roads the Town has finalized the drainage and tree work;

    • Beach Street (from the Goshen Town Line to Osborne Road on the road portions that have not been paved yet), 
    • North Shore Road between Rte 209 to Rte 202 (funded partially by a State grant) and 
    • Hutchison Parkway between Butternut Road and Mike Road. 

  • In the next few weeks, we will update the residents on the status of finalizing the four bridges currently under construction (Wheeler Rod, East Litchfield Road, Sawmill Road and Duck Pond Road) and the start of three (3) new construction projects to replace large culverts;
    • Goodwin Hill Road (at Moosehorn Road)
    • Headquarters Road (Milton)
    • Moosehorn Road (downstream from Goodwin Hill Road)

We really appreciate the residents' patience. 
Drive with caution and be safe!