In an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Litchfield Town Offices, including Public Works and the Sewer Department are open by appointment only. Please call or email respective departments. Contact information can be found on the Department page of our website or for ease, department contact numbers can be found HERE.
Employees still report to work if they are well and will be available by phone or email.
Hunting and Fishing licenses may be obtained online at the DEEP website. Any documents that need to be filed with the Town Clerk may be sent either USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.
We ask that our residents keep an eye on their neighbors who may be at risk. Volunteers are available to deliver food and medicine for those that need it. Any questions or concerns, please contact me at or call 860-567-7550.
The best source of information regarding the COVID-19 outbreak continues to be the Center for Disease Control website at and Hotlines are available by calling 211 and 833-621-0600.