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Need a Burn Permit?

Posted on
March 29, 2021
Fire Marshal
Open burning is limited to the burning of brush only, which is defined as shrubs, vegetation or pruning's, the diameter of which is not greater than three inches at the widest point. LEAVES AND GRASS ARE NOT CONSIDERED BRUSH. OPEN BURNING IS NOT ALLOWED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLEARING LAND, OR FOR THE DISPOSAL OF CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, HOUSEHOLD TRASH, OR LEAVES.

  1. The burning must not take place when national or state ambient air quality standards may be exceeded.
  2. The burning must not take place where a hazardous health condition might be created or where there is an advisory from the DEEP Commissioner of any air pollution episode.
  3. The burning must not take place when the Air Quality Index (AQI) is predicted to be 75 or higher in any town listed in the table entitled “Predicted Daily AQI Maximums".
  4. The burning must not take place when the Forest Fire Danger Level is identified by DEEP as high, very high, or extreme.
  5. The burning must not take place where prohibited by an ordinance of the municipality.
  6. The burning must cease if so directed by any member of the town Fire Marshals office, Officer of the Fire Department, designated Municipal Official responsible for enforcing the open burning laws and ordinances, or any official of the Health Department or DEEP.

Before the burn: All reasonable safety precautions are to be taken including but not limited: to the clearing of grass and trees from the burning area, and wetting down of the surrounding area, and placement of fire extinguishers and hose lines.

During the burn: All reasonable measures to assure complete combustion and reduce excessive smoke are to be taken. At no time during the burn should the fire be left unattended. The permit must be available on site during the burn. Burning may not create a nuisance to nearby properties. Burning may only be conducted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on a sunny or partly sunny day with the wind speed between 5 and 15 miles per hour.

Completion of the burn period: The burn pile must be completely extinguished by 5 p.m. and all embers/coals must be extinguished and wetted, so as to prevent smoldering and fugitive ash emissions.

Open Burning Permits Applications

Residential Open Burning Permit

Agricultural Purposes Permit

Mail your completed applications to Litchfield Fire Marshal, Po Box 12, Bantam CT 06750.  
Permit Fee $10.00; Checks payable to the Town of Litchfield.  
Permits will be sent by e-mail upon approval so please provide your email on the application.  
The permit does not relieve the permittee of any legal liability, which may be incurred as a result of the fire.

Any question please call (860) 567-7568

Fire Marshal, Town of Litchfield