OFFICE: (860) 567-7575 FAX: (860) 567-7578
To: Residents of South Lake Street, Litchfield CT
From: Raz Alexe, P.E.
Director Public Works (DPW)/Town Engineer/Tree Warden
Date: May 3, 2021
RE: South Lake Street – Public Information Meeting, 5/13/21 at 6pm
Dear Residents of South Lake Street,
This is to inform you that Litchfield Public Works Town Engineer’s office is planning a public information meeting for the residents of South Lake Street on Thursday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m. EDT, in person, at the Litchfield Firehouse. The meeting will last between 60 and 90 minutes (until 7:30pm at the latest), or less, depending on the discussions. We will present the material, then the public will be able to ask questions and/or offer feedback.
Social distancing (masks at a minimum) is required. Comment: There are over 49 residential parcels as per the attached, thus we expect significant turn out. Due to social distancing requirements, please expect that sitting might not be available for everyone.
SCOPE: To present the residents the proposed design, i.e. to replace the drainage system, create bicycle and pedestrian friendly public right of way (r.o.w.), implement additional traffic control devices and potentially re-design traffic on one part of the street. The project will also include new pavement, markings and additional signage.
We are targeting to show both printed 24x36 boards and also use a projector to exhibit the proposed design.
Although it is not mandatory for any project funded 100% by the Town to receive residents’ feedback, due to a somewhat newly approach (for Litchfield) to the existing r.o.w by the DPW/Town Engineer and the Engineer of record, we believe, as a courtesy, it is in the best interest to all the residents to hear about this approach and comment on it before we put the project out to bid. Please note that this is not a Referendum, and the final design decision resides with the Town Engineer.
The project is targeted to be bid toward the end of May/beginning of June this year and start construction shortly after the bid is awarded. The intent is to finalize this the summer/fall 2021. It is a Capital Improvement Project.