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Winter Challenge from the Waste Reduction Committee

Posted on
December 10, 2024
Waste Reduction Committee
Waste Reduction Committee


Snow has presented another challenge to taking those kitchen scraps out to the compost pile that many of you have.  


When you drive to the Town Recycling Center with your cans, bottles, papers, and cardboard, take the food scraps to the town compost pile.  

All those apple cores; banana, pear, orange, avocado, potato, and squash peels; lettuce, kale, and celery leaves; coffee grounds; tea bags; eggshells; and anything else from flowers and plants add up to 25-30% of the weight of our trash. 

Help cut back on the amount of trash we are shipping to mid-western states. With full participation, we could save up to $100.000 per year and add food scraps to our leaf compost to make the dark, rich humus that gardeners call “black gold.”

Your Waste Reduction Committee thanks you for making composting a daily habit.